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Adding Tests

First, we should determine what are the external interfaces of the system to be tested. For the sake of simplicity, let's say it is a REST only system.

Let's, add qa-jgiven-rest to our project.



Now we should determine in which environments it should run. These may be called Development, QA, Staging… whatever. These are just groups of computers providing various services.

Under test/resources/environments let's create a folder for each and put an empty file in each one. For each environment, we should ensure there is Maven profile to allow its activation, like this:


(a profile for Development environment is already defined in QA Testing Parent)

Later we should add properties to hold URLs, and credentials needed to access this system. These may look like this:


We should now have test/resources/environments/dev/, and so on for each environment.


Somehow we need to access these properties at run time. Let's create a TestConfiguration class in the main package, like this:

public final class TestConfiguration extends BaseConfiguration {

    // NOTE: this is imperative
    public TestConfiguration(final Configuration... configurations) {

    public String systemUrl() {
        return getString("system.url");

    public SystemOAuthRequestFilter systemOAuthRequestFilter() {
        return SystemOAuthRequestFilter.builder()

Because there are many OAuth variations we need to specify exactly how to retrieve a token. It can be like this:

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class SystemOAuthRequestFilter extends OAuthRequestFilter {

    public static final class Authorization {
        public final String clientId;

        public final String clientSecret;

        public final String grantType = "client_credentials";

    private final Authorization authorization;

    protected TokenBlock retrieveTokenBlockFor(final ClientRequestContext context) {
        log.debug("retrieving token block for {}", this);
        try (val response = context
                .invoke()) {
            return response.readEntity(TokenBlock.class);

Common Scenario Stuff

In a REST scenario we need to initialize a client before and close it after, so instead of repeating ourselves in each scenario we can hold this in a common base class:

public abstract class SystemRestTest extends ConfigurableScenarioTest<TestConfiguration, RestScenarioType, SystemRestFixtures<?>, SystemRestActions<?>, SystemRestVerifications<?>> {

    protected Client client; // we should manage the REST client

    protected SystemRestTest() { // mandatory

    // so this one...
    protected SystemRestTest(final Class<TestConfiguration> configurationType) {

    // we may have sections that repeat themselves -- see below
    public Sections sections() {
        return new Sections();

    public Sections sections(final String title) {
        return sections();

    protected void afterClassCloseRestClient() {

    protected void beforeClassOpenRestClient() {
        client = LoggingClientBuilder.newClient();

    public final class Sections {
        public Sections creatingObject(final SomeObject object, final Name name) {
            section("creating object with name");

                    .the_objects(adaptedStream(object ->,

            return this;

This will not compile because of missing:

  • SystemRestFixtures, SystemRestActions, and SystemRestVerifications – these are the steps we should define
  • SomeObject – this is a data model we should define too

One or More Scenarios




Next: Selenium Tests