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There can be mutliple reporting requirements:

  • generate a dashboard and publish it on Jenkins
  • generate a dashboard and publish it on some other site
  • generate printable/custom document(s)
  • update an ALM system

Dashboard on Jenkins

JGiven Maven plugin generates a dashboard, you only need to add a link from Jenkins job.

Dashboard somewhere else…

Same JGiven dashboard can be uploaded to a remote site. You can solve this by finding various Maven plugins to do that and add them to your build section.

One of the wierdiest requirements I got was to upload it to S3; see S3 Publisher Maven Plugin.

Printable/Custom Document(s)

The requirement can vary widely, from HTML, and PDF, to some wierd Markdown format.

See QA JGiven Reporter Maven Plugin.

Update ALM

Application Lifecycle Management, ALM in short… There are many of these, most common today being Jira and AzureDevops. But there are others like TestRail and Orcanos.

There are two possible approaches:

See QA Orcanos Publisher Maven Plugin.

Next: CI/CD