Interface JsonAsserter

    • Method Detail

      • assertThat

        <T> JsonAsserter assertThat​(String path,
                                    org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher)
        Asserts that object specified by path satisfies the condition specified by matcher. If not, an AssertionError is thrown with information about the matcher and failing value. Example:

        with(json).assertThat("items[0].name", equalTo("Bobby")) .assertThat("items[0].age" , equalTo(24L))

        Type Parameters:
        T - the static type accepted by the matcher
        path - the json path specifying the value being compared
        matcher - an expression, built of Matchers, specifying allowed values
        this to allow fluent assertion chains
      • assertThat

        <T> JsonAsserter assertThat​(String path,
                                    org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                    String message)
        Type Parameters:
        T - the static type that should be returned by the path
        path - the json path specifying the value being compared
        matcher - an expression, built of Matchers, specifying allowed values
        message - the explanation message
        this to allow fluent assertion chains
      • assertEquals

        <T> JsonAsserter assertEquals​(String path,
                                      T expected)
        Asserts that object specified by path is equal to the expected value. If they are not, an AssertionError is thrown with the given message.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the static type that should be returned by the path
        path - the json path specifying the value being compared
        expected - the expected value
        this to allow fluent assertion chains
      • assertNotDefined

        JsonAsserter assertNotDefined​(String path)
        Checks that a path is not defined within a document. If the document contains the given path, an AssertionError is thrown
        path - the path to make sure not exists
      • assertNull

        JsonAsserter assertNull​(String path)
        Asserts that object specified by path is null. If it is not, an AssertionError is thrown with the given message.
        path - the json path specifying the value that should be null
        this to allow fluent assertion chains
      • assertNotNull

        <T> JsonAsserter assertNotNull​(String path)
        Asserts that object specified by path is NOT null. If it is, an AssertionError is thrown with the given message.
        path - the json path specifying the value that should be NOT null
        this to allow fluent assertion chains
      • and

        JsonAsserter and()
        Syntactic sugar to allow chaining assertions with a separating and() statement

        with(json).assertThat("firstName", is(equalTo("Bobby"))).and().assertThat("lastName", is(equalTo("Ewing")))

        this to allow fluent assertion chains